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We seek and find paths even where there seem to be none ...

We are curious and interested in how things work.

... we are a family ...

 ... we are THE TEAM.

... we are THE TEAM.


The Team

Thanks to our out-of-the-box thinking and diverse expertise, we are able to propose innovative ideas and provide creative solutions inspired by different disciplines. We remain open to the latest technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, learning sensors or digital twins, and use their advantages in non-traditional areas to solve complex problems and technological challenges.

We understand the need to stay on top of the latest advances, trends and breakthroughs. We keep abreast of advances in the scientific literature and participate in conferences and workshops. By collaborating with universities, research institutions, industry experts and start-ups, we gain new perspectives, specialised expertise and opportunities for co-innovation.

We look for projects that may not have immediate practical application but have the potential for a major breakthrough. We focus on preparing studies and prototypes to test not only the feasibility of an innovation but also its limits and risk points.

Smart Mobility

The integration of the latest technologies such as smart...

Sensors and Cameras

The increasingly common use of intelligent sensors in...


"It is time to move from the question What is happening?...

The Team Smart Solutions, s.r.o.

Purkynova 648/125
612 00  Brno
Czech republic

ID: 06580602
Phone: +420 605 753 097
